5+ weeks ago we got a call from a family member. He asked if we were still looking to adopt. Of course I replied yes! He asked if we were still through LDSFS (our agency). Yes, we are. How could he see our profile online. So I walked him through how to find it. It was then my turn for a question. I asked him if he knew someone looking to place their baby for adoption. His reply? "We'll see, maybe". O.k. seriously! You can't just leave it at that! You have to tell me more! But, he did leave it at that! *sigh* So we had to wait to find out what was going on. One week later we found out, yes, there was someone who was pregnant and considering placing her baby for adoption, and she was considering us. But she hadn't decided.
O.k. so we wait. That's o.k. We've been trying to have a baby for over 8 years (almost 9, it will be 9 years in August). We have been hoping to adopt for 5 years. We've become experts at waiting. Besides, we didn't want to put pressure on whoever this person was. We wanted her to come to her own decision, in her own time. We would honor her decision whatever it was. Waiting was o.k. with us. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy! Every time the phone rang our hearts raced a little. Everytime we checked email, our breathing would speed up, wondering if maybe, just maybe, we would hear something. With each passing day we prayed for this unknown woman. That no matter what her decision, she would be comforted and know she is loved.
Fast forward to Wednesday, March 10, 2010. I was getting ready to go visit some ladies in our ward (local church congregation) and I was was filling out cards to take them with my phone # in them, when the phone rang. Yes, my heart skipped a beat. It was a bill collector who only spoke Spanish, asking for someone who doesn't live here (this is a weekly occurance). I explained in my best fake Spanish (cause I don't speak a lick of Spanish, I really should learn) that no, they had the wrong #. Two minutes later the phone rings again. Again, my heart skips a beat. It's the same #, so I don't answer, I figure when they hear the voicemail, maybe they will get the hint that whoever they are looking for doesn't live here (not sure why since this tactic hasn't worked yet). Five minutes later, I'm almost ready to walk out the door. I was filling out 1 last card when the phone rings again. This time, my heart didn't skip a beat. This time I decided not to look at the caller ID, sure it was the same #. A couple of rings in, I thought, maybe I should look. It wasn't the same #, so I answer the phone......
It was 5:22 p.m. according to the caller ID.
This young woman, we had been told about 5+ weeks earlier was on the other end of the line. She wants us to be the parents of her baby! She asked me how we felt about that. All I could say was, "We would be honored." She asked me to guess whether the baby was a boy or a girl. Our guess, we had a feeling it was a girl. We were right! A lot of tears later, I hung up the phone with an agreement to come up on Friday to talk. Jacob had already left for work so I called him on his cell praying he would answer. He normally doesn't hear the phone, ecspecially when he's driving. Please, please answer the phone! YES! He answered the phone! Through my quickened heartrate, fast breathing, and excitement, I could barely choke out the words, "She called! She chose us!" I don't know who was more excited, him or me! The next call was to Tammy. She was thrilled! So thrilled in fact, she told her dad's family before I could! Silly girl!
We visited with "K" today (today being Friday, even though I'm writting this and it's technically Saturday, it's only 1 a.m. and I haven't gone to bed yet, so it's still Friday to me). She is doing great! A lot of people have been asking me how she found us. How did our story play out. Details! They want details! (I totally understand!) Well, as I said earlier, a family member called us to see if we were still looking to adopt, because she heard we were. Out of respect for our birthmom, we have decided not to give out a lot of details, ecspecially not online. But we will say this. We have known her for a very very long time. She is not new to us. When we went to see her today, it wasn't our first time meeting, far from it. Somehow, we were still nervous. So was she. We were surprised when we found out the young woman considering us was "K", but, at the same time, we knew. We knew it was her. I don't know how we knew, but we did. We have known for weeks, months, really. Even since before we knew there was someone considering us, we had a feeling she was pregnant and considering us. She is a wonderful, amazing, young woman. We are very protective of her, and it is for this reason we have chosen not to give out a lot of details about her. Someday, when she is ready for the world to know, and when we are ready to tell, we might give more details. It really is an amazing story. But until then..... Here is an ultrasound photo we were given of our little one (With our birthmom's name removed of course). Doesn't she have the cutest nose!

There are a few people who know who "K" is. And if you are one of those, out of respect for "K" and us, please keep that to yourselves. Thank you everyone for your love and prayers, and support. Please continue to pray for us, but most especially for "K".
Baby Girl (we don't have a name picked yet, so for now, we are calling her Baby Girl), is due July 29th. And we could not be more excited! We will have a very very open adoption. "K" will be extremely involved in Baby Girl's life. And again, we could not be more excited about that too!
We love you "K"!