Welcome to our corner of the web! Here you will learn about our family and our journey of a family member adoption. In July of 2010, after 9 years of trying to add to our family and 5 years after we started our adoption journey, we welcomed baby Emily Rose. Emily's birth mom is Sharon's adopted sister. We look forward to someday adopting more children but for now, we are enjoying our time together as a family of 4!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

36 week appt.

Wanna hear the latest in baby land? Jacob and I went to K's dr. appt. on Thursday. Jacob hadn't been to an appt. yet, so this was his first time hearing the baby's heartbeat in person. I have videotaped the heartbeat before, but there is just something about actually hearing it that blows you away! He sat there in stunned silence. I sat there trying not to cry as my hubby listened to that precious sound, knowing that very soon, she will actually be here.

Emily's heartrate is at 150 and she is doing great. It was K's 36 week appt. but she is measuring at 38. I'm thinking the baby was stretching maybe? Not sure. She hasn't completely dropped but she's getting there. K is 50% effaced but not dialating yet. We are onto weekly appts. now so we will see what next week holds. Can't wait!!! We now have 26 days left!!

We have had a couple of baby showers. Both were family showers. The friends shower will be after Emily comes because the friend who is throwing that shower is in the middle of a move so ya, after will be better for her. That way she can get settled in to her new home without the stress of planning a shower. I'm tickled thats he offered to do the shower. We have been friends since my sohpmore year of high school (almost 18 years now) so that makes it extra special.

I will do a seperate post about the showers later. For now, here is a belly shot of our birth mom K.

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